As a Social Enterprise, our mission is to direct resources to have the greatest impact, and leave no one behind.
To achieve our mission, we measure social impact through a common yardstick; measuring progress in terms of overall Wellbeing and
identifying priority needs.
The problem we are working to solve
Until we measure beyond financial value, we will continue to make decisions at the cost of our personal, social and environmental Wellbeing. To truly measure progress, we must measure social value as well as financial value. Without both, we may unwittingly increase one to the detriment of the other.
Just as longitude is to latitude, we need social value and financial value to know that we are on track.
Working across the private and social sector globally, Huber Social holds ‘Wellbeing’ as the measure of success for humanity and works with organisations to measure and create social value. As an independent third party, Huber Social applies a universally applicable Wellbeing standard to determine the social value that an organisation has created and to identify how to maximise it.
Huber Social is dedicated to measuring what matters, so that resources can be directed to where they create the most social value.
Huber Social is gaining global adoption
Looking for Longitude: Measuring Wellbeing
Just as longitude is needed alongside latitude, we need to measure Wellbeing alongside economic growth to navigate the progress of humanity.